Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Sir Jobbes

This is only funny is you follow nerdish things like apple rumor sites or like outdated Victorian English as a comedy device.
All Hail Our Slightly Sexy Android Mistress!

In an attempt to creep everybody, Hiroshi Ishiguru of Osaka University, has helped create, Repliee Q1. A very lifelike android she was showcased at the World Expo in Japan earlier this summer, where she gestured, blinked, spoke, and even appeared to breathe. Dude, she's totally freaking me out. Video is here. Warning be patient with the video!
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
the first annual myspace stupid haircut awards

It's the first annual myspace stupid haircut awards. Me thinks he stopped because if tried to get everyone myspace with a dumbass haircut he would have fainted from the sysiphean task ahead of him. Brought to by demonbaby aka this guy.

Uke Out!
Thursday, August 25, 2005

Do your socks have a ' Lambertz-Nichols Achilles’ tendon Protector ' ? I bet not I'm sure your socks won't make NASA green with envy AND impress the guys at dirtbike track.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
As Home Depot runs out of nails

So this is where the baltimoron tracked down the original post. Now Ruthless Reviews has done it again. Enjoy.
Hate to be a downer but...

shit is fucked up and people need to be active AND informed. American Progess funded this ad which was rejected by all three major network affiliates on D.C. What we're talking about here is not new a continues to go on. Here's the Econimist from last year. Pay attention people.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
When dumb sues stupid


Burger King has a new menu item called chicken fries(?!). So to promote said 'chicken fries' their ad agency came up with a fake band called Coq Roq, part of the overall visual look of coq roq is wearing masks. These masks and those who wear them come across as some kind of weird avian/humaniod nightmare person(s). Now this campaign has already had some troubles with the name and some of the double entendre in the campaign with the name, e.g. 'groupies love coq'.
Now I found all of this hilarious because it was stupid, plain and simple. Now dumb is coming and ruining the party. Nü-metalers Slipknot are now suing Burger King and their ad agency for swiping their style "in order to influence the Slipknot generation to purchase Chicken Fries."
Stop, when did slipknot become the voice of a generation? I mean I know much can be learned from a bunch of Middle-class Iowans who are angry at the world for no good reason. Can they really expect anyone outside of their fanbase to take this seriously? The full spiel can be found at The Smoking Gun
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Trapped with Kells

I keep going back and forth with this, it's definitely some idiot savant shit. I just don't know where to put the emphasis on idiot or savant. Any way for those who haven't seen them here is a link to the videos.
Click on the circle play button on the left
Halogen Kitty!

Gizmodo had post about Hello Kitty Replacement headlamps. They even provide a link to the sanrio store. Problem is I can't find them in the store and I want trap deers in the cutest headlights to ever exist!
Roll hard with these.

Thursday, August 04, 2005
Arguably the best Batman comic panel...
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Watch how you smoke

These seem a bit dubious to me, a little too much Japanese "wackiness" in the engrish. Who knows, they are still fun to look at, so enjoy these "Japanese" smoking manners advertisements.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
I present to you, Excalibur! Vroom Vroom!

Meet Daniel Echeverria, he confirms my one of my two thoughts about Argentina. One, really good food,

two, really crazy people. Daniel is obsessed with medieval lore (king arthur and the like), so much so that he has spent three years creating his own armour and his "special horse of battles" a fire breathing dragon-cycle. He is apparently on a quest to find Camelot(not kidding here). I can only wish him godspeed on his quest.
via boingboing
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