Thursday, June 28, 2007

HaHa! The internet made you cry!

According to this article girls are way ahead boys in using technology. Using technology to inflict emotional damage, GIRL POWER!!!

Hum - Batman fight sequence

By far the best dance/fight sequence ever made in the history of mankind.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Nature fights back

Beats the crap out of Floridians.

Telly Savalas and his floaty head lover

Telly Savalas talks sweet nothings into his disembodied, hovering head girlfriend. She seems not so smitten, maybe a little confused.

Steely Dan cupcakes!!!

high-heeled sneakers
Originally uploaded by monsterpants
I want to be friends with these people. They were going to a Steely Dan trivia party so of course they made SD cupcakes. PHENOMENAL!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Why?! Why don't I have these?

Because they are not for sale[yet]. But there has been so much internet love one would have to be stupid not to roll them out for the masses.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Yes!!! I mean nooo!!! No, wait yes!!!!


So they are going to release the MINI wagon, the Clubman! But I already have a MINI and I was resigned to the fact the wagon wasn't coming, Now what do I do?

Mr. Wizard [1917-2007]

Don Herbert's Mr. Wizard's World and You Can't Do That On Television were pretty much the only reasons to watch Nickelodeon in the 80's. Don made science seem simple and fun. I always wanted to immediately run and do all the experiments he demonstrated on his show.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Pythagoras Switch - Algorithm March with Ninjas!!

Of course with ninjas!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Microsoft Multitouch

So this week at the D5:All Things D conference Bill Gates introuduced the Surface Microsoft's mutli-touch interface. Originally developed at NYU it's now going commercial. While this is super slick we're still at incubation level. All the applications are more novelty than anything ground-breaking and the actual device is too pricey for the consumer enviroment yet.

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He's prolly pissed because tigers will most likely be extinct before we die. Only 2,500 remain in the wild, sucks.

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Punk-ass City-fied Panda can't make it

Xiang Xiang got the lessons of the wild the hard way. Chump.

I heart robots

and Stephane Halleux makes pretty ones.

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Mmmmmm, frosted car...

Bakers after my own heart.

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