Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Way better than the Langley School Project

See band camp is way cooler than you think and this is the result. Geographer and soon to be lawyer Brian Udelhofen has put together the Shadow Percussion Project. An afterschool percussion group at Minnetonka High School in Minneapolis that Brian runs. He arranged and the group subsequently performed Building Steam with a Grain of Salt and Changeling from the Endtroducing album. The best part about it is that they pretty accurately recreate all the cut and paste stutter of Shadow's original tracks.
Unfortunately, there is only video of it [and it's HUGE] here the link.
Here is a snippet for easier tasting
Building Steam [snippet]
Thanks to MusicThing
Thursday, September 22, 2005
The Telecrapper 2K

The telecrapper 2k is a great item I just wish it was more refined, but this is nerdy, d.y.i. tech at it's best, lumps and all. The TC2K attaches to a modem that is caller id aware or a separate caller id device which is attached to your computer. You give it a list of numbers you don't want to answer. Sort of your own reverse do not call list. When the TC2K recognizes one these numbers from your list it picks up on the first ring and now the party starts. The TC2K will play either the same or a list of sound files which will be played back at the telemarketer starting a virtual conversation with them. It will wait for silence on the line before playing each sound file to further create the illusion of a real conversation, albeit completely surreal. It will so this until said telemarketer gets upset and finally hangs up. I just wish you there was a manual trigger so you could check your caller id and then determine if the TC2K goes into action.
Check out the hilarious sample conversations recorded by the creator of the TC2K.
Giant Gameboy [I mean Gameman]

What is it with people making things giant for no good reason except for amusement? I mean I'm not complaining that I can now play a three foot, one hundred pound gameboy on top of a 200 foot pink rabbit. I just find it a bit peculiar.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Giant Rabbit!!!

Viennese art collective gelatin have created Hase
. This is a giant 200 foot stuffed pink rabbit placed on the side of a mountain outside of the village Artesina in Piemonte, Italy. there is a hike daily up the mountain to the rabbit where you can stand in awe of it or climb on top of it. It is proposed to stay there until 2025. So if you've never had a reason to go to Italy now you do. There's a giant pink rabbit to climb.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Breakdancing Bodybuilder

I'm conflicted by this, I never knew bodybuilders could move like that, but it doesn't seem to make me like more. I find fascinating that he can pull off these moves but it also makes him even grosser than just a normal bodybuilder. Who cares, he is still funny looking, escpecially when he does his little robot walk across the floor. Technically speaking, he is a pop-locking [or uprock if you will] bodybuilder.
Mind Blower

I'm not really going to say much about this one, it'll spoil all the fun. What I will say is the production on this flash intro is incredible, I'm not a big fan of the flash intro [what's the point?], but this one is over the top. Then get ready for the shocka! I still can't believe this is true, it's so crazy!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Flesh of Ness!

According to this news story, flesh like substance has been found at the bottom of Loch Ness. It is now going through DNA testing in Scotland and the U.S. I know this is a Bigfoot site but, I thought this would give hope that our friend is still out there.
Friday, September 16, 2005

The Blisters, one the best bands in Chicago. They are the best for no other reason than, when I was there age I was nowhere near as cool as they are now. Hell, they're still cooler than me at my current age. They'll rock a crowd like noone's business. Well they have a commercial out now for Quacker Oats, check it out.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Life imitates The Onion.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Bigfoot flips the bird

According to BFRO [bigfoot field researchers assoc.] this siting was in Grundy County, Ill. There was two possibly three of them. The vocalizations were the Ohio Howl. However, this illustration to me looks like he was flipping the bird.
The Big Chill

If you're like me you have grown tired of stainless steel appliances. While I still dig the ability to look clean and brand new-ish for a really long time and abuse. It's gotten way too saturated, that why I totally stoked on the Big Chill Fridge. With it's revisionist 50's retro styling and, bright colors and chrome, it's definitely a breath of fresh air. Of course, since I rent all of this means very little to me, so I have to wait until I decide to grow up and buy some property.
In Praise of Custom Vans

I used to drive a van in high school. However, it was a conversion not a custom van. Which means it goes from über-cool to about family truckster. It probably still did have some bad-ass cachet but I was WAAAAY too much of a dork to use for any real good use. Believe me if I could do it again, that van would have been the glory AND terror of Perry Hall High School. Instead of my pining for glory lost, check these dirtbags out.
via hooptyrides
Monday, September 12, 2005
Spend Money The Cute Way

Japanese credit card company has now also fallen under the unstoppable, cute shadow of the kitty. There are several different styles to choose from you can see them here and here. I know one person in particular, that loves her pink credit card, will now be green with envy for anybody with a japanese bank account.
Friday, September 09, 2005
All hail the key-dork!

It's the Keytar! It's some sort of guitar/keyboard thing. It kind looks like an autoharp. You use the keyboard for chording instead of frets. This looks like something a spoiled 14 year old gets thinking his going to impress his friends and then they just laugh at him.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Is that bulge in your planet's crust or

are you just happy to see me? It's just to easy. I couldn't resist. So there is a bulge in Oregon and nobody is positive on what it is. However, with sightings of mystery bulges near North Sister, South Sister and Mt. Bachelor. I think we're slowly approaching a geological punchline that only this guy could love.

Sunday, September 04, 2005
roll out!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Filk Scene

The line separating "New Wyrd America" and "Standard Nyrd America" has always been perilously thin. See this Wired article about the Filk Music scene. These NNCKs write folk songs strictly in the Sci-Fi mold or change the lyrics of traditional tunes to more Sci-Fi friendly topics like cats in space or miners' unions on mars. However, the fact that I found this by clicking through on a gmail link says something very poor about my own character
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