Tuesday, November 29, 2005
It's best not to discuss
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Best Photoshopping Ever!
Friday, November 25, 2005
More than meets the eye!

Marc De Repentigny from Quebec like to build what shouldn't be. Specifically, he builds Transformer customes that ACTUALLY TRANSFORM!!! He's done some personal projects and also does custom work. So if you really want to win every halloween custome contest next year and you have at least $3750 [starting price] you should give marc a call.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Let's get tiny

This guy, Till Kopper, likes synths a lot, so much he makes paper versions of them and puts muppet show characters next to them.

Of course Barbie has a mod synth in the dream house. That's why they call it a DREAM HOUSE.

When G.I. Joe isn't defending the free world from evil like Cobra-La, He's at home chilling with his theremin.

How could we get small without a tiny version of Rick Wakeman's setup.

Not to be outdone by some englishman, here's the whole Yellow Magic Orchestra tinized.
note images link to sites this time
everything via [musicthing]
Who knew colored bubbles were so fucking hard?

Meet Tim Kehoe and Ram Sabnis, according to this article in 2 weeks to 2 months their product colored bubbles [Zubbles] will descend upon us like nothing before. Apparently making a bubble that is colored and then, and here is the key, the color disappears after it breaks takes some Nobel-sized engineering. Most chemist didn't think it was even possible and Kehoe is just a schmuck from Minnesota with no real science background [which comes painfully clear after you read about his 'acid bubble']. This may be a little nerdy for you norms but it's an interesting story none the less [and doesn't get super nerdy to the last two pages, the words 'lactone ring' show up then].
Sunday, November 20, 2005
So many accusations about loose vaginas

Apparently, the Singapore blog scene is VICIOUS. Check out her links to other blogs by her or about her. I've just started and this shit is hilarious!
It's been a while, again
so how about some 18th century sailor pants aka "petticoat trousers". I am so rocking some of these, especially with those saucy red tights. My favorite for this is that when checking these out on the site, one of the "customers who purchased this also purchased" suggestions was this. They also have a whole section of knives and dirks! I have no idea what a dirk is.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Brian Eno's Yard Sale

If you have more money than you know what to do with you can buy some of Brian Eno's gear. He's selling his DX7, Prophet VS and some other stuff. It's from something called Vemia the site is annoying as fuck to navigate so if you have no patience for it, hit this link it should be to the DX7 auction. Also not as impressive [for some] Tim Simonenon [Bomb The Bass] is selling his 303.
via musicthing
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Hat Head
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