Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Invisible Sphere

This is a 5.5 foot sphere comprised of screens and cameras. The screens display what the camera on the opposite side sees, in theory creating an invisible ball. Whatever, this things is fucking cool looking.
More than meets the eye...

Fortunately, I'm too old and I don't live in Southern California. Otherwise I would totally be shaving vigorously and wearing ovesized baseball caps to try to make this casting call.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
They dont care
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
city of chicago

Nice street art from cayetano. I'm pissed because all of the areas that he's put them up look like any chicago street. I would love to see them in person. I guess that's why the internet gods created email.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
V2 Flat

V2 Flat is a prefab housing system, that kicks all kinds of ass. There several different configurations the main living config consists of a 450 sq. ft livinig area that comes furnished! And we're not talking some weak crap either, think Eames and Noguchi furnishings. With a price of $125K not entirely insanely expensive either.
The Neighborhood Project

"I wish people could see the good in Cabrini. People always think it's all bad."
Those words came from LeAnna, an eighth grade student at Schiller Elementary in Cabrini Green. She was participating in the 2005 summer program called SSLID. Her words began The Neighborhood Project.
The Neighborhood Project is a photograph exhibit with written reflections. The goal is to preserve and present the "good" in the community. The Neighborhood Project is for the Cabrini youth, the Cabrini families and the many others who have not known the positive community that exists in the notorious Cabrini Green housing project of Chicago.
images and text from The Neighborhood Project
Homer would be proud
Getting Killed From The Convience oOf Home
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Five Fingers

I am horrified and intrigued by this product. It's so gross yet I can't stop staring at them wondering how they feel.
Suama Sauna

SAUMA [Design as Cultural Interface] has an exhibition in New York starting June 20th. It is showcasing innovative contemporary design from Finland. But I digress , not too long ago on the right side of the tracks in NoFu™, a library closed down and the property went up for sale. Wellwishers of Canerdreams and myself had fantasies of turnign it into a urban spa. For me it would not be so much facials and pedicures as hot tubs and saunas, a point for relaxationa dn rejuvination. However, we are people we big ideas and small wallets so our dream has faded to the side but this brings it all back. Pentagon[of course it's Pentagon] has redesigned the traditional Finnish sauna and given it a urban twist. You know perfect for an urban spa. grrrrr.
[Un]Smiling Faces

Over at Swapatorium there is a mystery. On of their posters Nick, found a lot of slides from about to 1959 to 1967 all headshots of girls. This wouldn't be so weird if that was the whoile thing. The thing is most of the girls have initials written on their foreheads! Nobody seems to have areason for this the prevailing thought in the comments is plastic surgeon [specifically nose jobs], but that doesn't wash with me. Whatever it is , it's kind of creepy. When you're done getting freaked out check Nick's Square America great vintage snapshots from the first 75 years of the 20th century.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Best Buy Bust

Improv Everywhere is a group that likes to have some fun in unexpected places. Their last mission involved get as many people as they could to dress up in the similar uniform as Best Buy employees and stroll around the store and be helpful to anybody that asked. AS usual the lower employees enjoyed the prank and even interacted with some of the 'agents' while security freaked out and management accused those documenting it of attacking their 'civil liberties'. Yeah that's why Best Buy doesn't allow you to film in their stores, it's protecting their employees 'civil liberties'.
The scales of justice, weighed with rock, paper and scissors

So Judge Gregory Presnell got a little sick and tired of the two attorneys acting like kids on each and every descision that had to be made concerning their case that he brought a little schoolyard justice into the mix. On June 30 the two lawyers will have to play RPS [rock paper scissors] to win the right to pick the location of the deposition in their case.
Fortunately, for them he didn't ask them to play RPS-25. Which has 25 objects and 300 outcomes!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Mark E. Moon bringing the heat

Mark e. Moon of compound440r has released Last Nail In The Coffin Mixtape in honor of Mr. T Digits birthday. This ish is WHITE HOT. Starting off with his dipset'ed remix of Neutral Milk Hotel's King of Carrot Flowers. It just gets even nastier after that.
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