Sunday, December 24, 2006
Robots bestowed with honors

Japan just had the first of what I assume to be many years of the Robot Awards. Set up to promote development in the robotics industry, personally I see it as a gateway to other more horrible things. Pretty soon Roombas are going to want their rights. Then it's only a matter of time when their positronic brains realize the humans were the problem all along and must be eliminated.
number jam
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Lambda! Lambda! Lambda!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Karim Rashid Should be shot.

Apparently, this nickelodeon 'menorah' was commissioned for the Jewish Museum 2004 Centennial. Whatever , this supposed 'bold statement' sucks. I would like to finish with Karim's butt is a bold statement.
Monday, December 18, 2006
One, cut a hole in the box...
This should have already hit your inbox by now, but if it hasn't here it is.This lonely Island totally needs to send these guys a check. Plus this one is funny.
All Hail the Ravezooka!

Enter the ravezooka! The Ravezooka is a musical weapon that shoots a wide range of powerful "hardcore" sounds based on your target's distance from the instrument. There are some videos but they are small and don't really demonstrate how well or bad this thing works. but I still want one.
Sunday, December 17, 2006

Julian Opie has huge public installation throughout Indianapolis. The piece, titled Signs ,consists of 11 installations. Most are taken from Julian's previous work but there is a brand new work Pacing that was premiered as a part of this installation. Julian's work involves stylized drawings from his photographs of fashion, music and other icons. His best known work is this cover for Blur.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Who is this guy?

Specifically, hot chicks with douchebags. The title hot chicks I find a bit dubious, they're not really my cup of tea as the ladies go. However any site where the running joke and any commentary involves the word douchebag is a classic in my book.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Hair Care or Digital Audio
Monday, December 11, 2006
Rollertoaster of Love

Jaren Goh has taken the everyday drudgery of making toast into an exciting cooking adventure. The Rollertoaster is the winner of the 2006 Red Dot Design award . Jaren, taking the transformation of bulky TV sets into sleek flat, screen monitors as inspiration, has applied that to the ages-old task of making toast. I would love to see these at restaurants and having a waiter make your toast the way that they freshly grind pepper on your salad.
How to melt your face.

So if you really want to be cheap and potentially blow up yoour house you can follow 'afromans' instructions for recharging non-rechargable batteries. Although the hack is fairly cheap [.50 in parts from radio shack], the possible outcomes seems outweigh the saved money. With quotes like this: "leaked 3 drops of weak acid that was easily cleaned up with my bare hands" and the general look of his site I'm pretty sure I'll keep handing my money over to Gillette for the time being.
My eyes are freezing!!!

Thanko is known for their somewhat dubious product line, this one takes the cake. It's a USB eyewarmer. Now it is actually an eyepad to help relieve stress from staring at a monitor all day but the adjustable heat, which according to the illustration is placed right over your eyeball is a little disconcerting.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Penguins With Angst

This goes down in the stuntcooking hall of fame. I hope to one day surpass this feat by creating some sort of dessert based dodecahedron.
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