Thursday, March 15, 2007
Fill your prescriptions at Costco

Walgreens: $117
Eckerd: $115
CVS: $115
Sam’s Club: $15
Costco: $12
That is the pricing for a 90 pill prescription of the generic version of Prozac, as you can see Walgreens, CVS and the like charge A TON more for their version. Also you don't need a membership to use the Pharmacy at Costco or Sam's club [I didn't research but I think it's illegal to do so]. Also if you must go to one of the mega places go to Costco not Sam's club. Costco == good, Sam's Club == Walmart == well, you know.
Labels: corporate shenanigans, guard your wallet
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Cool Robot From M$
Video: Career in Computer Science - MS Research
I wish this was real, I want a robot friend.
Labels: glorious future, robots, tech
Saturday, March 10, 2007
good idea, bad execution

This is the Billy Wilder an add-on piece created by the design group ding3000. It adds a much needed flair to the ubiquitous Billy Bookshelf from Ikea. Now the problem with this is the price, the basic Billy Bookshelf cost [in the US at least] 50 bucks. This add on is 199 euros!!! That's about 216 dollars! Maybe the price could be justified because they are using pricey materials, nope it's made of FOILED PARTICLEBOARD! I am so not down with that.
Labels: design, financially embarrassed, furniture
Helvetica: The Movie

I can't wait to see this movie. It's about design and world visual culture explored through the typeface Helvetica. Of course there are no planned screenings in Chicago yet [there's a tentative one in Baltimore ferfuckssakes!]. Anyway, I'm even more excited about the sequel, Helvetica 2: The Fontening.
Labels: architect glasses, design, typography
Somebody threw out Chairy!!!
ummm, pass me the lens, no the big one
YaYa Chow

YaYa Chow is a Tiawanese born, mixed-media artist living in Los Angeles. She has made a gummi bear chandelier. I'm in love. I can't tell if they are Hairbo or not.
Labels: art, artfood, food, furniture you can eat
Hussein Chalayan is from the future...

and we are the better for it. Drawing from the current eco-crisis, ancient japan and good ol' optimistic futurism Chalayan put on a hell of a show in Paris. Follow the link and check it out, it says more visually than I could ever describe.
Labels: fashion, glorious future, hussein chalayan, tech fabric
Honshu Wolf != Extinct ???

It's been a while since we've have any cryptozoology tales around here. Apparently the Honshu Wolf, aka the Japanese Wolf which was last seen in 1905 just went underground. I hope so I like the l'il fella and his long neck.
Labels: bigfoot lives, cryptozoology, wolf tales
Friday, March 09, 2007
Fun With Anti-Matter
"Cancer cells were successfully targeted with anti-matter subatomic particles, causing intense biological damage leading to cell death."
If this doesn't sound like the origin story of every Marvel comic I don't know what does.
Labels: Sci-not-Fi
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Get Pumped
this has to be a joke. it better be.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Cute Chaser
That Cthulhu Doll needs something cute to cleanse the palate. So here are some sleepy baby animals.
The Doll Of Cthulhu

This guy, bob basset makes a lot of creepy things out of leather, masks and stuff. Here is what I think is the creepiest, his Cthulhu doll. If your next question is, "What the hell is a Cthulhu?!?!" go here.
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