Friday, April 27, 2007
Nerd Test
If you get this go polish your pocket protector
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Snackville Junction R.I.P.

I have been to Snackville Junction and I have to say as exciting as having your meal delivered to you on a little train sounds it was a little anti-climatic. There's also the fact that the food wasn't really that good but if your 7-ish I'm sure this place rocked. I do love the name that's something that should definitely live on.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Harper's Archive

Every website has an archive, a listing of past articles you can search through. Hell, even this den of uselessness has two years of inanity you can peruse. Harper's also has an archive, first post, 1850! That's right Harper's has posted every issue they have ever published online [for subscribers]. Take that Collier's Weekly!!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
If you haven't figured out...
Japanese Cell Phones, one step closer

Yeah!!!. Japanese cell provider au BY KDDI is coming to the U.S. in June!!! Their spring line is pretty sweet. Now we only need a South Korean cell company to come to the U.S. and we will really have some fun.
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