Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Can YOU Feel It
I have totally forgot about this video. I received a little reminder from the kids over at dreamchimney. This thing is out-of-control I think this qualifies a 80's psych, visually anyway. My favorite is Michael lifting the rainbow and Tito[I think] doing his Pete Townshend windmill.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Easter Clydes

This is my jam! Only 300 of each of these will be made. Featuring artwork by tattoo artist Cubanbee, who shares the name with a porn star. Who is on the internet unlike the tatoo artist of the same name. They are being sold exclusively at Barney's nationwide starting 15 April 2006 which probably means they are sold out by now.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Penguin Sweaters

Now, the baltimoron is strictly a panda man. However, how can you resist penguins in sweaters? Now these are just crazy kooks knitting useless outerwear for flightless birds. These sweaters have a very important purpose. The sweaters are used in penguins in areas affected by oil spills, first the crude oil destroys the bird's natural oils which helps keep them warm. Last, thw sweater also keeps them from preening, cleaning themselves with their beeks, so they don't ingest poisonious oil.[info from factmonster] In addition cute factor goes up like 50 billion!
Friday, April 14, 2006
things to do...

Monday, April 10, 2006
Ototo by toto
Classiest Limo evah

So some limo company thought stretch HUMMERs weren't stupid enough they are now taking old Lear jets and converting them into limos complete with "Realistic Jet Engine Cranking System" whatever that means.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Ri-Man the gentle robot

This is how I want to go to bed every night. Carried in the arms of a soft skinned robot. Look at those concerned eyes. they seem to say "Don't worry l'il baltimoron. It's time for beddy-bye."
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Jewesses With Guns [and sometimes not]
Monday, April 03, 2006
Another german band from my recent trip to Bohemia. This is a dancehall/reggae outfit. The track is pretty good but the video. I mean how can you go wrong with a pink gorilla in a tophat and rolex?!?!
This is the first of the finds from Bohemia. The lead singer and the guitarist for this band are some of the prettiest boys I have ever seen. When I first saw this video I thought the singer was a gothed out bjork and the guitarist was some X-treme snowboard girl. then I saw the interview where their genders became a little more apparent. Either way it's fairly obvious why every teenage girl in Germany is MAD about this band.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Kung-Fu Sword Keytar

Whoever wins this auction will totally rule over everybody else. Not only do you get a 37-key midi keytar and attached to it a finely carved wooden kung-fu sword! Sweet!
Bigger than Big...

Vstone has just released their latest robot. A 15 inch version of Gigantor!!! OK, here's where the problem starts. First, it costs $3000 ! Second, you have to assemble it yourself. What's that all about? I just gave you 3000 bucks?
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