Monday, October 31, 2005

Just making sure you can be as safe as possible. Carnegie Mellon Roboticist and Author Daniel H. Wilson has just penned, How to Survive a Robot Uprising: Tips on Defending Yourself Against the Coming Rebellion." The Book is definitely living in the humor section, but since Daniel is an actual Roboticist there is some truth in his plans to avoid total destruction.
Sunday, October 30, 2005

Showing some halloween love to the 9-5'ers Forbes has an article on haunted office spaces. Why you don't hear too much about it and a response to a spirit in a laws office that only a lawyer could come up with.

Just in time for halloween has a full explanation of zombies. From Haitian zombies to the traditional zombies of Day Of The Dead and even explaining the difference of the zombies in 28 Days later. Also comes with helpful hints on how to survive a zombie attack, SO READ IT NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Finally! A reason to go home!

If you know the Baltimoron, I am constantly hating on my home town. Now is the time for confession. First B-more is not nearly as bad as I have made it out to be and second, it has become waaaaaaay cooler since I left [merely coincidence, I'm sure]. Now there is a third reason to step to Charm City. Shop Gentei themed boutique created by designer Oliver Jones. The current theme is Military, the theme will change bi-annually. The boutique will carry streetwaer and you-aint-never-gonna-see-another-pair-o-deez sneakers from his own line slyandrobby, plus some Japan lines like AGH and MAckdaddy that he's got exclusives on. So if you want that fresh Nippon style you're going to have to roll to Baltimore. I'll meet you Bertha's for some mussels after getting some fresh kicks.
dorks do hard time [not really]

While 8-bit Musicians Nullsleep and Bit Shifter were hagning flyers up for an upcoming performance they got a bust-down!!! by the NYPD claiming that "a cleaner New York is a safer New York,". While they were stripped of the belts and shoelaces [to prevent suicide] Bit Shifter still had his cameraphone on his person. Two great thing then occured, he was able to set his AIM away message to "I'm in jail" and then they took some funny pictures. [link]
Best quotes from a danzig interview in unrated [Cinema of the EXTREME!!!!]

Cant sell his house because the man keeps hasslin' him...
UnRated: How are things going?
Glenn Danzig:I had to deal with a bunch of shit and had to miss the interview by about 20 minutes. I've been dealing with the city on a bunch of crap like yard clean-up or something like that. Somebody wants to buy my property and they keep screwing with me. I've been trying to move but I keep getting sidetracked because of touring and recording, you know what I mean? I definitely want to get out of here. It's pretty tough.
Keepin' it real
UR: So what do you envision for the future of this tour when you're not on it?
GD: It's going to stay pretty much the same. It's going to stay dark, heavy, and extreme. ...
The ultimate bad guy [he should get the real joe jackson he scary as fuck!]
UR: Do you have people in mind for it?
GD: Yeah, there are some people that I have in mind for it. Actually, my producers know one person that I have in mind for the main bad guy, the villain.
UR: That's the Papa John character, right?
GD: Yeah, how did you know that! And we've told this person that the part was actually written for him. So he's very excited and he wants to see the script so as soon it's done, we're going to get it to him.
UR: Who is it?
GD: Lawrence-Hilton Jacobs. He's in Cooley High, which is one of my favorite movies, and Welcome Back Kotter. He was also in the Jacksons mini-series; he played Joe Jackson, the dad.

Unfalliable Argument
UR: Does it piss you off when people call you a Satanist?
GD: ...You can't argue with stupid people because they're stupid! It's not an argument! ...
Monday, October 24, 2005
Press Nostalgia Button Now!

This exhaustive collection of cassettes was put together by Not Wild Style [best name ever]. This reminded me of the good ol' days of making mixtapes. Specifically this one tape I made for this girl. I was totally in like with her and so as it was fashionable at the time, I made her a mixtape. My advances were rebuffed and that made me mad. Not so much the crush of rejection but that was one masterpiece of a mixtape, perfect song selection it was probably 44:30 exactly on both sides. I still want that tape back.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Balloon Bowl

Here is a video of a guy skating in a bowl filled with balloons. I wish I could skate, *sigh*, looks like fun.
Monday, October 17, 2005
D'oh! Mayvin!

Just in case you still don't have enough useless information here is a incomplete list of words created by the writers of The Simpsons.
I am the samurai of your dream.

Masahiro Fukuyama is an artist he makes a lot of things however, he also makes these armor pieces. I think they are funny looking. Supposedly, they are inspired by the ancient culture of samurai and modern game culture. But my art/bullshit monitor says "he likes making funny looking suits that people have to like because it's art". I like them both ways.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
This season share the warmth
Bounty Ho!

As a public notice to all thingsbig foot here is this from the The Cryptozoologist
At the 5th Annual Texas Bigfoot Conference in Jefferson, Texas, October 15-16, 2005, and the Bates College Cryptozoology Symposium in Lewiston, Maine, October 28-29, 2005, Loren Coleman will be unveiling the details of a $1 million bounty to encourage the public to assist in the safe capture of a Bigfoot, Yeti, Lake Monster, Sea Serpent, or other cryptozoological specimen.
Alright! Let's bring 'em back alive!
I'm so glad it's not real

So this is from this company 1st ave. machine it's a video of plants with eyes, weird tentacles and other creepy shit that wigs me out. While it's not real it's still points to my argument of why nature should be left alone, it's really icky and gross.
Why am I not this cool!?!?

Dude on this blog found photography has made a pinhole camers out of LEGOS! It really makes me feel kind of dumb since thebest I could od with LEGOS is make a really big wall or maybe a room. This is also after fixing an old Polaroid with LEGOS.
Finally, Technology doing some good.

So it's been a while since there's bben a post so let's get to it.!
Jesse Klein has solved thee age old dilemma, 'why don't I have a waffle-maaking robot?' As part of project he started with his father he has constructed a robot that , makes waffles, butters the waffle and adds syrup! It also slathers on whipped cream, wwhich Jesse added 'just for fun'. Godspeed Jesse, as you further humanities glorious path into the future.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Nick Cage a little bit crazy

Nicholas Cage and hiw wife, Kim, have a new baby boy. I, and I'm sure all those reading grant them congratulations on their new child. Their new bouncing baby boy's name? It's Kal-el, for those who dont know that was this guy's name before the Clark's adopted him.
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