Friday, January 26, 2007
Getting Kosmic Clean

Due to my current living situation I don't take a lot of baths. Don't get me wrong I love a long hot bath however, my crappy shallow tub doesn't make for an enjoyable bathing experience. Now, if I had the Kosmic Shower from KOS I think I could do without baths completely.
The small model has a central top shower head, four lateral shower jets and five massage jets. The larger model is big enough for two people, maybe more. You can have a shower party. The best part is the optional Turkish steam bath and KOS's Idrocolore System which will allow you to indulge in a technicolor schivtz.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Cats to get bionic eyes, humans days are numbered.

It's only a matter of time before these cats use their super eyes to some how take over the world. Maybe they will start seeing through walls or something, or their eyes will shoot lasers.
R2D2, architect of the rebellion

Keith Martin has done some thinking.
He has done some seriously nerdy thinking and has come to the conclusion that with Star Wars Episodes I-III establish that R2D2 and Chewbacca were major influencers in the strategy for the rebel alliance.
Warning, that previous sentence should give you an idea of how nerdy this essay is, not for the faint of heart. The guy is taking taking Attack of The Clones seriously. Oh boy, there's no way to wriggle free of the nerd finger trap. I'll shut up now.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I spoke way too soon

Last week I got all giddy because a few exec type started making baby step towards realizing how to interact with customers and technology and working within the new confines instead of trying to fight them. Well apparently I was way off base on this being the dawning of a new age.
DJ Drama and DJ Cannon were arrested in Atalanta for "making and selling illegal CDs". I don't think I have to get in to the elementary realm of mixtapes and how they are the lifeblood of hip hop these days. Nor should I have to mention that almost everything on these mixtapes come from either artist's labels or the artist themselves.
I hope Atlanta's hip hop community, which right now is about the strongest force in hip hop, realizes the severity of the RIAA's current assault on their business and art.
[quick list]
- Ludacris
- T.I.
- Outkast
- Jermaine Dupri
- Young Jeezy
- Lil Jon
- Cee-Lo
Pulls their collective weight and gives the RIAA the proper bitch slap that it needs. Not just because in the grand, esoteric sense that this whole episode and wrong, bone-headed and ridiculous. But in the real sense this is where hip hop lives and breathes these days, it's their livelihood at stake. Also please feel free to contact the RIAA numbskull in charge of this recent act of buffoonery at
Klingons in the White House!!!
Rep. David Wu showing dork knows no shame.
I would have waited...
Who said soviet architecture...
Saturday, January 13, 2007
All Hail the Picadore 64!!!
I think it's so groovy now.
Why are these three guys hanging out together on Caner Dreams? They represent this weeks 'We're finally starting to get it posse'.
First, we have Sony Electronic's president Stan Glasgow, who has said the "DRM would become less important" in their future. Well he's not just talking trash, EMI is leading the way.
Next up, George H. W. Bush's intelli-thug John Sununu. While he has some acts he still has to answer for this week he put the 180 IQ brain to work and told the FCC, "girlfriend, please!".
Lastly, we have Les Moonves, head honcho at CBS and David Letterman comedic foil. Although sometimes Dave is playing straight man to Les' riffs. In his keynote at CES this year he announced that fans of CBS show would be able to upload, mashup and generally have a good time with clips from CBS show. His also gets the 'I'm so getting this' award with this quote from an interview with AP, "If somebody spends the time to take 20 clips from 'CSI Miami,' I think that's wonderful,... That only makes him more involved with my show and want to come to CBS on Monday night and watch my show. And we're going to get paid for the clips this guy takes off our air as well. It's win, win." Huh?!?! What!?!? Executives realizing fans aren't the enemy but your supporter? It all can't be real!
If it seems that we will be living in a content sharing, DRM free, hardware not crippled world we not quite there yet. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Joseph Biden (D-DE), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) aka the 4 horsemen of the idiocy [Yeah, I know Dianne isn't a man but she's a consistent and total jerk] have introduced the "Platform Equality and Remedies for Rights Holders in Music Act" aka PERFORM bill. Which will force internet, cable and satellite providers to enact measures so that consumers of their content can't record it. As we have seen before those paying customers are always waiting to suck the innocent corporations dry.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Momofuku Ando RIP

Take a minute and give a moment of silence for this man. Because if you are reading this there is probably a high chance that this man helped you out in some way at some time in your life. For me that time was about 1994-1997 about I had just moved to Chicago from Baltimore and living far home with little to no support meant somethings had to be sacrificed. However one thing I could enjoy was a decent cup of ramen noodles for about 5 for a $1.00. Two bucks could keep me eatign for a whole week. So I tip my hat to Momofuko Ando, inventor of the instant ramen noodle, rest well.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Camper Store by Jamie Hayon

Camper has been one of my favorite companies. First, because of their well designed and comfortable shoes. Which have found their own timeless style and look that is demonstratively unique. But also their other endeavors such as foodball and casa camper. Another part of Camper's efforts to be one of the best presented companies has been Camper Together concept, the belief that evry store that they opened needed to have it's own identity it's own life based on the Camper belief in diversity.
This concept has taken another step with the limited edition store designs in Barcelona and London created by Jaime Hayon. Jamie, an Spanish industrial designer, has taken on a sort Mediterranean Digital Baroque with high-gloss table with multiple turned legs and quilted leather chairs. it's a stunning look, something I think this place was trying to pull off but fell short.

You see, math can entertain as well as horrify. Jessica Hagy makes insightful, witty Venn diagrams like this one on just about every subject. From the price of diamonds to the correlation between Times Square Traffic and The Sound Of Music.
Escotype School Duffel

I LOVE this bag from escotype, this leather duffel is made from two identical halves so you can mix different color combinations. What I don't love however, is there dumbass site that requires you to register just to access the online store. Rule #1 of e-commerce: make it as easy as possible for your potential customer to order your product. That means I click I order and then you can hit me up with requests for my personal information not before. Jerks.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
This is why I can't stand nature, it's totally gross. There is this fungus that infects these particualr type of ants in Africa. Once infected it goes straight to their brain and forces them to climb vines and then lock their mandibles on said vine and die. Then the fungus continues to grow out of the ants head and then spread spores down on the jungle floor to infect more ants. Yuck keep me out of nature.
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